Title: Rusty Nailed
Author: Alice Clayton
In this sequel to Wallbanger, fan favorites Caroline Reynolds and Simon Parker negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while house-sitting in Sausalito.
Playing house was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on an extended honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy-long hours to keep the interior design company running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel. And with Simon, her hotshot photographer boyfriend, gallivanting all over the world for his job, the couple is heavy-duty into "absence makes the heart grow fonder" mode. No complaints about the great reunion sex, though!
Then a trip back east to his childhood home has Simon questioning his nomadic lifestyle. He decides to be home more. A lot more. And he wants Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort out their relationship. Sure, more togetherness is a good thing—but does less traveling and working have to mean the other extreme? Apple pie and picket fences? With this second book in the Cocktail series, USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy confection of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!
Playing house was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on an extended honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy-long hours to keep the interior design company running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel. And with Simon, her hotshot photographer boyfriend, gallivanting all over the world for his job, the couple is heavy-duty into "absence makes the heart grow fonder" mode. No complaints about the great reunion sex, though!
Then a trip back east to his childhood home has Simon questioning his nomadic lifestyle. He decides to be home more. A lot more. And he wants Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort out their relationship. Sure, more togetherness is a good thing—but does less traveling and working have to mean the other extreme? Apple pie and picket fences? With this second book in the Cocktail series, USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy confection of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!
Let me tell you this, I am so in love with Simon "Wallbanger". This book was fantastic and once again I found myself laughing out loud (maybe a few snorts) a lot. I have a huge girl crush on Alice Clayton, she writes some of the best characters. I think that is why I love her books so much. It's like the show Friends, where all the secondary characters are written so well and have their own personalities, they make the book that much better.
Clive, can I just say that I want a cat just like him.
I'm so happy that Ms Clayton gave us more of Caroline and Simon. I really loved where she took this story. I will admit though, at times I wanted to slap Caroline and yell, "Girl, what are you thinking?" I mean come on, who wouldn't love to see Simon 24-7. He can come over with his hammer and fix my windows any day of the week. I think I may be a little obsessed with Simon. I want to marry him, have his babies, and maybe a cat or two of our own. If you think you loved Simon in Wallbanger, just wait until you read this book.
Fans of Alice Clayton are going to love Rusty Nailed. It's freaking hilarious and sexy as hell.
I give this book 5 Goldfish colored Stars! ~Jen
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