Title: Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3) Can be read as a Standalone
Author: BJ Harvey
This is a story of Sean Miller, a dom that will have your panties diving for cover with an eyebrow quirk. That will have even the strongest woman dropping to their knees in submission with a piercing stare, and Samantha Richards, a female cop who’s tough, seemingly impenetrable shell is strong enough to resist everyone except the one man it was build up to protect her against.
**Disclaimer – If you thought the first two Bliss books were hot, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Creative use of handcuffs, batons, a club scene you have to read to believe, and a tough as nails dominant who is blindsided when the one woman strong enough to disarm him threatens his resolve not to let his past dictate his future.**
Like the other books in the Bliss series, this book can be read as a stand alone. There are common characters in the books but it is not necessary to read the first two books in the series to read this one.
**Disclaimer – If you thought the first two Bliss books were hot, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Creative use of handcuffs, batons, a club scene you have to read to believe, and a tough as nails dominant who is blindsided when the one woman strong enough to disarm him threatens his resolve not to let his past dictate his future.**
Like the other books in the Bliss series, this book can be read as a stand alone. There are common characters in the books but it is not necessary to read the first two books in the series to read this one.
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After reading all of BJ Harvey's other books, I was very excited to read Blissful Surrender. Sean appears first in Temporary Bliss and I just loved the mystery of him. I wanted to know more about the Dom friend of Mac's. I was not let down, in fact, BJ surpassed my expectations of what I thought Sean was like. I loved his story. He was broken by one person and just when he thought he'd never see her again, she re-entered his life with a bang.
I really liked Sammy. That is one of the things I love about BJ's characters. Her female leads are usually head strong and sassy. I love how Sam struggled with the past but fought to overcome those fears.
This book is Sexy, Sweet and Funny!
Sean is an amazing man and a great lover. Some of the things he does made my Kindle steam. I think he is my favorite of all her men. Sorry, Zander and Daniel. I really hope we get more of Ryan, I think he has more of a story to be told. I'd recommend this to everyone looking for a sexy, fun read. ~Jen
I really liked Sammy. That is one of the things I love about BJ's characters. Her female leads are usually head strong and sassy. I love how Sam struggled with the past but fought to overcome those fears.
This book is Sexy, Sweet and Funny!
Sean is an amazing man and a great lover. Some of the things he does made my Kindle steam. I think he is my favorite of all her men. Sorry, Zander and Daniel. I really hope we get more of Ryan, I think he has more of a story to be told. I'd recommend this to everyone looking for a sexy, fun read. ~Jen
About the Author
BJ Harvey is the Amazon Bestselling Author of The Bliss Romantic Comedy Series and The Lost Romantic Suspense Series. An avid music fan, you will always find her with headphones when writing, and the speakers blaring the rest of the time. She's a wife, a mom to two beautiful children, and a full-time university student. BJ resides with her family in what she considers the best country in the world--New Zealand.
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